Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is it all in the details?

So many times things just pop into my head and I'm not sure where they come from. (Now I know that the picture really has nothing to do with details per se....but when I found Christian on the front of the mag I couldn't resist!)

Ok, so things pop into my head from years ago....things that I would have thought long forgotten. Is this what it's going to be like when I'm 90 and I can't remember 5 minutes ago? Maybe that'll be a good thing...at least I've lived a somewhat colorful life.

Here are a couple of things that I want to remember when I'm 90 then:

My trip to England, Switzerland, Holland, Germany and France


New York City

Grand Canyon

Los Vegas

Moody...ok well certain things about it! :o)

My nieces and nephews

I'll come up with some more, but this was short notice!! LOL

1 comment:

KandRsMama said...

Don't forget your SISTER!!