Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Power of Prayer

Oh so many times I learn lessons in life. Then it seems that I have to go back and learn them again. Sometimes all over from the beginning, but sometimes just a different aspect of the principle.

I really have thought that I would like to be a woman of prayer. But I lack much of the discipline and structure in my life to make it happen. So as I'm turning OLD I realized that I must do certain things to help make my desires a reality.

So I'm going to begin the Power of a Praying Woman. So for the next 30 days or so I'm going to journal my journey. I hope that you enjoy this journey with me.

1 comment:

KandRsMama said...

I am curious to hear how it goes! I definitely don't spend enough time praying. If you do this again in another month, I will do it with you!