Now, Dad had given me a $20 which in those days was a lot of money...and for me it was especially a lot of money! We didn't usually see that kind of money. Dad didn't give me any stipulations on how to spend the money, nor that he wanted it back if I didn't need to spend it.
I found the best silver ring! To this day I love silver rings and buy them all the time :o) But I spent that whole $20!!!!! When I got home Dad asked me where his money was and I told him that I bought the ring. He was mad, I could tell. But he didn't punish me or anything. I think he must have realized that he didn't give rules on the $20 when he gave it to me.
A couple of days later I was out playing by our swing set and lost the ring in the grass. I spent hours trying to find that ring. I never did.
Since that day I have been very careful to not lose anything. In fact, I have been mystified by lost and found and what you see there. I am also befuddled by the items that you see lying on the road that people have "lost". But today I just lost a watch that cost me $75. I am sick...sick, sick, sick!
First of all I didn't really have the money to spend on it...I should have saved the money to be used for something else, like bills!!! So the splurge was indeed a splurge!
Second, I don't lose things! I didn't hear it falling off my wrist, I didn't feel it falling or anything. So now I'm out the $75 and that bothers me too! Grrrrrr.....
Third, I'd only had it for about two weeks. I'm sick, sick, sick.
So I only got to enjoy the silver ring for a short time...now the watch has gone to join it in the cosmic black hole of lost things.
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