Friday, July 9, 2010

Class Reunions

Well this weekend is my 25 year High School Class Reunion. I didn't go. I'm at a place right now in my life where I don't get many luxuries. I get a few here and there that I indulge in, but they are small and not big, like travel.

In some ways I wish I could have gone. In some ways I'm glad that I didn't. I don't like where I am in life and I don't want to have to admit that to people. But it would have been nice to see everyone from high school. Of course with Facebook I get to see the pictures that they post.

Maybe I'll get to go to the 30th reunion.....just don't hold your breath! LOL

Saturday, July 3, 2010

favorite aunt liana

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Friday, July 2, 2010

crafty and clever

I wish I was more clever :o)

I see and hear so many things that people say and do that show their creativity and cleverness. I wish I could find mine!!! LOL

I know it's in there somewhere and I'm searching to find it and bring it out....any hints on where to find it?