Oh am I excited! I love love love my new phone! :o)
I don't really have the need for a smartphone. Maybe in a couple of months I will when some deals I have in the works kick in. But for right now....it's a luxury. But I love it!
So I might start doing the 365 days of pictures. So beware! LOL
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mental Well-Being

There's something that I've noticed about myself through the years. The more emotionally messed up I am...the messier my house and home. Hmmmm......I'm sure some people would have a hey day with that!!!! :o) But it's true...
Right now, my apartment is a mess! And I should be saying mess with a capital M-E-S-S! So it's a really good thing that my sister is coming to town. (More on that later!)
Right now, my apartment is a mess! And I should be saying mess with a capital M-E-S-S! So it's a really good thing that my sister is coming to town. (More on that later!)
I first noticed this problem back in college. When I was cramming for exams my room would get messy....now, not dirty...messy! I do differentiate between the two!!! LOL
Then I noticed it again when I was living by myself. I think when I had roommates in apartments I was more conscience of the roommates and wouldn't be messy in the common rooms. But unfortunately when your roommate is you mom.....well.....it's easier to let things go a little....well....maybe a lot.
So...here's my apology to Mom for letting my messiness come out into the common areas of the apartment!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Is it all in the details?

So many times things just pop into my head and I'm not sure where they come from. (Now I know that the picture really has nothing to do with details per se....but when I found Christian on the front of the mag I couldn't resist!)
Ok, so things pop into my head from years ago....things that I would have thought long forgotten. Is this what it's going to be like when I'm 90 and I can't remember 5 minutes ago? Maybe that'll be a good thing...at least I've lived a somewhat colorful life.
Here are a couple of things that I want to remember when I'm 90 then:
My trip to England, Switzerland, Holland, Germany and France
New York City
Grand Canyon
Los Vegas
Moody...ok well certain things about it! :o)
My nieces and nephews
I'll come up with some more, but this was short notice!! LOL
Friday, June 18, 2010
Keeping your eye on the goal

I have come to realize that I am bad about keeping my eye on the goal. I am very easily distracted. oh look....pretty shiney thing!
So maybe it's really a focus thing. I have to keep focus on what I need to focus on.
No....I think it's a goal thing.
Anyway! I have a few goals that I would like to accomplish. Some are for physical health, some for spiritual health, some for mental health (can't we all use better mental heath!) and some are for financial health. And they are all really good goals that I should be excited about and be jazzed about hitting. But for some strange reason I find that after I have set the goal, I wake up three weeks later and think "oh yeah, I was supposed to be working on that!"
So I guess I need to become orgainzed. I need to write down my goals. I had a list once of 101 things to do in 1001 days....or was that 1001 thing to do in 101 days?!?!? Anyway, I've lost track of that list. I've been distracted from getting those things done. And I really wanted to do them too.
Well, I guess my goal for now is to break down my bigger goals into smaller ones so that I'll have more reasonable goals to hit.
I'll keep you updated on how that goes.....oh look...something shiney!
Saturday, June 5, 2010

A while back, my sisters and I did some searching for my dad on the Internet.
My parents were divorced my senior year in high school. The day of my graduation was the last day that I saw my father. Well, no not really I guess. I saw him when he came to visit my little sister once. But that was only from behind and we didn't speak.
Anyway, we found him. He has some things on the Internet posted about him and his new family. He did mention about his four daughters though. He statement was "....but who cares".
I'm not sure why, but that really hurt. Somehow it cut me deeply and it probably shouldn't have....if my family wasn't so messed up!
But I guess we all have our baggage no matter what our family is like and no matter who we are. And the messed up situations make us who we are. I used to say that I wouldn't trade my life and the things that I've been through for anything. That it makes me who I am. I like who I am....well...most days. :o)
I do think that God uses what we've been through and circumstances in our lives to make us more like him. I can only say that it's about our reaction to the circumstances and it's about how we glorify Him in our reactions. Sometimes I feel like that is glib, but it is true.
So how does one find someone to have a "normal" family with? How does one go about weeding through all that baggage out there and find a matching set? It seems that so many people are carrying baggage that doesn't match my set and of course I want my baggage to co-ordinate!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
cats in my life

I really miss the cats that I've had....especially Charlie and Looie. They were a big part of my life for such a long time. They were a little nuts but they were mine....
I would really like to have another kitty. But it's too hard in an apartment. I recognize that, and I wouldn't do that to a cat, but maybe soon I'll get to live in a house where I can have one.
I heard about a cat called a Savannah. It's about the size of a dog. It seems like it would be a cool cat to have .
Then I'd want another tabby. This time maybe an orange tabby.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I usually really like the rain. It seems to cool things down or warm things up. It can also clean things up or water it down.
Really like the rain.
Today it was sunny all day. Then when it was time to go home it started raining...really it was more of a down pour.
I tried to wait out the rain but somehow it kept coming and kept coming. I finally decided to go ahead and make a run for it to the car.
It was rather funny to me that there was a bunch of people waiting at the door for the rain to stop. But I took the plunge. I'm sure they enjoyed watching me make my way to the car! LOL
But again, I'm glad for rain and how it cleans up the grounds. I don't have to wash my car now.
Really like the rain.
Today it was sunny all day. Then when it was time to go home it started raining...really it was more of a down pour.
I tried to wait out the rain but somehow it kept coming and kept coming. I finally decided to go ahead and make a run for it to the car.
It was rather funny to me that there was a bunch of people waiting at the door for the rain to stop. But I took the plunge. I'm sure they enjoyed watching me make my way to the car! LOL
But again, I'm glad for rain and how it cleans up the grounds. I don't have to wash my car now.
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